Health Update and Brief Hospital Visit

Kidney News

Well I had another follow-up appointment and the news comtimes tp be very positive.  My creatnine levels have stabilized and are continue to move in the right direction.  The same is true with my GFR which is approaching normal numbers.   I really only indicate these two metrics as they are very indicative of the function of the kidney, but rest assured there are a multitude of tests being performed by my doctors and they continue to be happy with all the results.  


Hospital Visit

The other bit of news is that as I currently write this post, I am in the hospital.   As stated above, my kidney is doing fine but it appears that the=e has been some excessive drainage from the surgival incidsion.  My doctors tell ,me that it is nothing major and not life-threatening in any way, nor will it impact the functionality of the kidney.  However, it does need to be addressed -- hence I have been admitted to the hospital to do so.

I had the surgery today and basically what has happened is that the result of the surgery has created a temporary gap between my subcutaneous skin and the muscles of my abdomen.  My body has taken to fill this area with fluid, and I have have been dealing with a large amount of drainage as the surgical scar opened up and the proverbial flood gates opened. 

To address the issue, they have put a wound pump in my abdomen that will pump out the fluid as it collects and slowly close the opening.  This is preferable to surgically forcing the cavity to close, as that approach is likely to trigger a relapse and require me to go through the same process at a later time.  The pump is initially more cumbersome but will allow my body to close he gap naturally and more permanently, so that is what we decided to do.

I entered the hospital on Friday April 12 and will be here through the weekend as they monitor my progress and the functionality of the pump. 

I know this may come as a shock to many of you, me being in the hospital yet again, but rest assured that this is more preventive care than urgent care, and I did not want to trigger any worry or concern.  I feel like I am receiving excellent care, and it sitting in a hospital bed actually gives me time to catch up on a few things like updating this blog and finishing up on my taxers.   

I appreciate everyone's concerns and prayers and just know that I am doing everything I can to taker care of myself and my health -- and look forward to the time when issues like this are more of an afterthought.  


I finally heard from my surgeon, and the drainage that I was experiencing was related to abdominal muscles that had partially separated.   This was good news in that it was only a partial tear and that they were able to idenify the exact cause.  They closed the tear, and are continuing to drain the fluid and the expectation is that I will no longer experience this type of drainage and will be able to leave the hospital tomorrow morning (Monday).   My only restriction is that I have no straining or abdominal pressure for 5 weeks while the musles heal, but no restricions in terms of moving around, work, etc.  Overall, very good news...


  1. Thanks for the update, Dan! ☺️ Great news! 👍🏾Sounds like you're continuing to do very well. ❤️‍🩹 I hope you enjoyed the photos I sent of the UCONN Huskies Parade on Saturday! I wasn't sure you were able to see the parade in your area. CT is finally enjoying some beautiful weather. It's 70 in my town, today. I took Cosmo for a 1.5 hr walk and returned home to do a little outside gardening. 😎 Sharon


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