Kidney Update

 Wanted to give another update.  I had another kidney appointment today and the news continues to be good.   Some of the rejection medications cause my blood sugar to spike, so they have added Jardiance to my medications, where I already am taking a medication called Januvia.  The difference is that Januvia makes you more sensitive to the insulin you produce and in some instances stimulates the production of more insulan.  Jardiance, on the other hand binds with the sugar in your system and excretes it through the urine, so it is though that the combination of these medications can help with the high blood sugars.

But again, that was really the only area that was in any way not positive, as you can tell from the attached charts, my kidney is functioning strong.   

As a final note, while I have been following up with the transplant organization weekly, I am now moving to every other week.   I still need to provide blood samples on a weekly basis, but can do so at the hospital near me saving me alot of time.   So things are continuing to look good and improve.

I appreciate all the support and good wishes.  I will continue to keep you updated on my progress...


  1. Very happy with the progress, mom don’t know why I am anonymous

    1. Thanks Mom, you'll never be anonymous to me!!!

  2. Ok Danny things are looking good!


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